In preparation to provide families food packages and vitamin C our team member called Lola’s mother, and asked if she could confirm her door number and address. ‘
Our team member: What is your door number?
Lola’s mother: We don’t have door number because we don’t have a door or gate around our house…
For me it was shocking and I had further conversation with Lola’s mother who in tears was describing me her life story…
Lolas lives in the Devashtich district of Northern Tajikistan. She is such a ray of sunshine, she radiates such positive energy which flows from her to others. Everywhere she goes, she loves to give warm hugs and kisses. However, the only person that Lola doesn’t give a hug and doesn’t want to, is her…Father!

Lola’s parents are divorced and she has two older brothers. When she was born with Down syndrome her father rejected her and left the family but he lives opposite their self-built house. The house which you can see a lot in poor Tajik villages, is made of mud…clay.. The family doesn’t even have a kitchen in the self- built house, they just use a little basement ‘as a kitchen’.
The father is so close yet faraway from them. He doesn’t support the family or even ask how his children are doing. Lola feels all of this and even when her mother sometimes tells her to go and give a hug to her father, perhaps his heart will open up to his daughter…but Lola refuses…the girl that gives hugs to literally everyone!
Lola is very talented, she dances beautifully, recites poems and her speech is very advanced for a girl with Down syndrome in Tajikistan. All of this because of her wonderful mother who dedicated her life to Lola and her development. Instead of giving her lots of unnecessary drugs/medicine which usually are prescribed to a child with DS in Tajikistan, Lola’s mother realised that her daughter doesn’t need all of those medicines but worked with her day and night! (We will share soon a video of Lola dancing and reciting a poem).
A really remarkable single mother who raised her children on her own, not giving up and getting stronger every day! We are very proud of her and will continue supporting Lola and her family with food packages and vitamin C every month during this critical situation in Tajikistan with COVID-19. This food packages are vital for their survival!